Getting your First 10 Subscribers on YouTube

When you launch a brand new YouTube channel, getting the first 10 subscribers could be a moral booster! And it is not difficult at all. Just ask you friends and family members to subscribe and you will almost immediately get first 10 subscribers!

Getting your First 100 Subscribers on YouTube

If you have a support website, place a channel subscribe button on it. You should also embed your relevant videos at the right places in your website. Depending upon how popular is your website, this step will certainly keep your subscriber count moving upward. You should also add your channel link in your email signatures and, of course, ask your Facebook / Twitter / Instagram friends to subscribe. In no time, you will reach the milestone of 100 subscribers.

Getting your First 1000 Subscribers on YouTube

It is very well known fact that your video content must be useful and interesting for you to get more subscribers. So, as you target 1000 subscribers — you should begin to monitor your YouTube Analytics data. Look for Audience Retention and you will know how interesting your videos are. If Audience Retention is less than 30%, this means people are not finding your videos useful. And you should reconsider your video making strategies. Always focus on what your audience would like to know or see. Don’t stress on producing more videos at the expense of quality. If you surf on YouTube, you will realize that it is quality that wins over quantity of videos. There are folks who have just a few videos in their channel but their subscribers would be in millions. As we are rocketing towards our first 1000 subscribers — we wish you all the best for your own YouTube channel. Hope this post will give you some idea on how to acquire more subscribers.